Meet The Founder

Spyrath Dev - Meet the Founder Image

About The Founder

Louise Findlay

As an RGU graduate, I'm always keen to continue learning. I've participated in the MLH Pre-Fellowship and WorldSkills Advanced Web Design Heat.

In my spare time, I write guides to empower non-technical users to learn more about their websites and other technical areas such as email hosting and domains. I also write about useful developer tools and self-hosting applications.


Your Website Experts

My web development and technical writing expertise has been honed throughout my professional career. From my honours degree at Robert Gordon University to my time as a Technical Writer at Prismic.

I've worked on over 40 websites and web apps with a variety of purposes from curation platforms to music streaming apps.

Discover more of my projects at

Spyrath Dev - Experience
GitCord Bot Logo


Discord Chatbot

The goal of the MLH Pre-Fellowship was to develop a software tool to aid developers. I was inspired to create a Discord Bot to manage GitHub issues, discussions and PRs to avoid having to cross-post information between the two platforms.

Our team developed GitCord Bot to help solve this problem by integrating the GitHub API with a Discord.js chatbot.

The Sock Kingdom Logo

The Sock Kingdom

I developed an internalizationed Nuxt 3 blog about buying socks using Prismic, the App Router, and AI-generated content.

I internationalized the website using Prismic locales and Nuxt's 18n module to create a language switcher.

Featured Testimonial

What Our Clients Say

Emma Nichol

Coach and Mastermind Facilitator at Good Stuff Coaching Ltd

Spyrath Dev - Testimonial Quotes

Louise has helped our small business with a range of tasks since we started working together in 2020. Mainly assisting with website and social media updates, Louise has completed projects on time and with a professional attitude.

She can clearly communicate and translate technical concepts in to layman's terms making it easy to get the work done without a fuss. I would highly recommend Louise for projects of this nature.